Why Joanna wearing a silk top glueless lace wig?

Why Joanna wearing a silk top glueless lace wig?

Why Joanna wearing a silk top glueless lace wig?Take to the podium for the first time, Joanna encountered such a choice: took off after the helmet,whether or not to return to the dressing room change chestnut wig to public familiar way to enjoy the victory? From the age of 10, Joanna found himself around children as she had auburn hair and will quietly disappear. Initially, the eyebrows become sparse,and followed by a hair, the most serious, even the eyelashes are falling down. Joanna had cried in front of their parents, constantly ask exactly because of what she lost her hair.The parents comforted certain hair will come back, they take Joanna traveled almost all the large hospitals in the United Kingdom, and hope to make the child is no longer bald.

silk top glueless lace wig
As a result, all the hospital diagnosis that she was suffering from alopecia. There is no effective drug or treatment allows Joanna retain their hair,her hair thoroughly away clean. In Britain, the current alopecia patients as many as 600000 people. This kind of disease can occur in anyone body, there is no specific age characteristics, also do not particularly effective treatments. Although hair loss will not affect the person’s physical health, but lose one’s hair will seriously affect beautiful, give patients caused great pain and hard to imagine psychological burden. Therefore, Joe Anna and most alopecia patients, began to put on his first glueless lace wigs, and at the same time afraid of contact with outer world.
The last article is about the Choose to suit glueless lace wigs modelling

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