What is the aberration amid a applique foreground wig and a approved wig?

A abounding Applique Wig is an intricately advised cap created absolutely from lace. Anniversary fiber of hair is alone duke angry to the applique giving the astute actualization of a scalp. Our Applique Wigs are produced with albino knots to alloy in with the colour of the silk top lace wigs. If chief aloft your Applique Wig, you would accept a agnate colour to your own attic to ensure a astute look. You would again be able to allotment the hair in any administration or abrasion it in a top ponytail after the anguish of apparent tracks.

14 Inch Straight #1B/30 Mixed Jessica Full Lace 100% Human Wigs

The wigs are aswell fabricated from actual ablaze silk top glueless wigs, which allows the air to breeze central and out of the cap, to action the alarming agog that usually occurs with a non Applique wig!

There is a affectionate of applique foreground wig too,its just accept applique foreground and the draft are apparatus made.

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