360 lace wig curly human hair | 360 lace wigs on sale

December 21, 2021 in 100 human hair 360 lace wigs

360 lace wig curly human hair

The knots in the lace are super tiny, so that it blends effectively and looks natural.

There aren’t big gaps in between the wefts,

and there isn’t a gap between the lace front and the weft.

baby hair was on point already pre plucked.

360 lace wig kinky curly

The curl pattern on the hair is very tight and bouncy.

360 lace wig curly human hair requires knowledgeable upkeep like knowing when and how to moisturize.

Don’t run the hands through 360 lace wig curly human hair when it’s dry,

just fluff it until it’s big enough.

when styling for the 360 lace wig kinky curly wet look , spray & add curl gel curls will last all day .

360 lace wig curly human hair

360 lace wig kinky curly

360 lace wig 130 density

In a half up and half down the tracks do show,

because 360 lace wig 130 density is not that thick.

But if you leave it all down it’s perfectly fine!

360 lace wig half up half down 150 density,the tracks don’t show.

360 lace wig deep wave

the hair is comparable to when you take your hair out of braids.

our 360 lace wig deep wave hair does blend in with the track.

the knots on the lace are small so if you do not want to bleach the knots all,

you have to do is put makeup on the lace and it will look natural.

For the 360 lace wig deep wave texture,

please hold the wave in the same direction with hair oil or nutrition water after washing.

I would only recommend finger combing, do not use a brush as it starts to strip the curl pattern.

360 lace wig deep wave

360 lace wig kinky straight

The texture resembles a nice press on natural hair.

360 lace wig kinky straight looks great in a top bun.

it held up in the pool, in the sun, at the water park and nights of partying!

Especially those of you that can’t make it to the hair salon due to COVID-19 shutdowns.

I strongly recommend all black women get it for protective styles,

because kinky straight is just like our natural hair when blown own.

Right texture, look and feel.

360 lace wig curly human hair

360 lace wig kinky straight