kinky straight hd closure wig | Human hair lace wigs for black ladies

no matter what you do your hair will not stay straight.

if you go to bed, it’ll be curly again in the morning.

Don’t worry over trifles.

Of course there isn’t anything that can replace a full head of healthy hair.

Some people don’t have that option.

kinky straight hd closure wig

One question can you perm/relax your hair without damage if you constantly perm/relax it?

If you’re putting heat to your hair, your damaging it, no matter what products you put in to lessen the damage.

kinky straight hd closure wig mimics African american straightened 4c hair.

The hair is soft, layered and has a beautiful and natural shine to it.

it’s true to length thick at bottom.

The HD lace is delicate, be careful if you tear lace for a more natural look.

Wear it glueless I promise it’ll last almost a year and it’s still good.

If you want a thin wig get 130 density and for normal wig thickness you’ll need 150 or more density.

kinky straight hd closure wig
kinky straight 5×5 hd closure wig

kinky straight lace front wig human hair

This might sound like a stupid question,What happens if your out one day and it’s windy.

Would the wind blow the hair to the side and reveal the empty sides?

like what do you think the possibility is of that happening?

get a lace front sis you safer.

13×4 lace frontal wig,the lace is around the whole front of the wig.

The frontal is a free part so you can literally part it however you want and style it the way you like.

kinky straight hd closure wig
13×4 lace frontal wig

wand curls on kinky straight hair

Now a random google search for kinky straight wig wedding styles a BOOM.

you can style wand curls for yourself to attend the wedding.

kinky straight hd closure wig

It’s time to buy a hd lace front wig to give your natural hair a break from styling, wearing it back, etc.

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