kinky straight wig is the first that really comes close to African american real hair.
human hair wigs kinky
If you never owned a human hair wigs kinky straight unit before,
you will pleasantly surprise and love it!!
human hair wigs kinky straight texture, even after washing and blow drying,
is that of a thick head of permed hair.
silk top wig kinky straight
It has a realistic hairline and the texture mimics African American straightened hair.
kinky straight wig is soft , fluffy and bouncy.
knots in silk top wigs are hidden under the silk,the wig with silk top looks like your own scalp.

silk top lace front wig
The wig construction is durable and is very well constructed,
it’s a huge advantage for beginners! you don’t need bleach knots.
so it doesn’t feel heavy on your head and in a tropical climate like Jamaica, that is a big plus.

african american remy wigs
glueless full lace wig kinky straight
The swiss lace is a medium brown lace and the knots are super small,
it’s tinted well for African Americans.
The swiss lace isn’t cheap or hard or too fragile.
so all you needed was a little face powder for it to blend in with your scalp.
you can put some adhesive down to achieve your desired look and make it felt secure.
glueless full lace wig kinky straight is bouncy and lightweight.

360 lace wig kinky straight
The straps and combs in the back allow you to wear the hair in a ponytail.
Swiss brown lace which laid perfectly!
360 lace wig kinky straight holds a curl great, and has a natural luster,he ends are healthy.
360 lace wig 150 density is thick enough to not show wefts in the wind but easy to manage.
lots of space to do any style you want,not only give you a closure with edges.
you will love with the overall construction and look of the wig.
you can wear it daily and workout unit.

can you straighten a kinky straight wig?
You can straighten kinky straight hair.
But normally, we don’t recommend customer to straighten wavy hair,
because it will easily damage hair texture,
and you need to deep condition it more often after straightened your hair.