human hair wig pre plucked
Because real hairlines aren’t like super thick in the front
if you slick back your hair you can notice how it’s thinner in the front and gets thicker deeper into the hair.
That’s what you’re trying to recreate by plucking.
human hair wig Pre Plucked Hairline with Baby Hair around,
the lightly bleached knots can perfectly eliminate black spots while avoiding shedding.
african american 360 lace wig
It’s not full lace,not lace front, 360 lace wig is with lace around,the tracks in the middle is invisible.
No more need to worry about your edges showing or your tracks being exposed!
African american 360 lace wig is easy to maintain especially for mothers and busy women.
coarse yaki hair is so soft like a kinky perm blowout it feel so natural as African american hair type.

360 lace wig pre plucked bleached knots
Knots so small but still show,
however with a little concealer you definitely can make this wig work.
If you are a beginner I urge you to just have a professional install,
YouTube makes everything look easy but you don’t want to mess up the wig.

360 wig vs frontal wig
You can only wear 4×4 lace frontal wig with a middle part;
if that, as no other part of the wig allows any styling flexibility.
african american 360 lace wig has nice parting space which is with lace around.
360 lace wig 130 density
I recommend at least 130 density,below this standard,
especially at the top, the tracks will show.
130 density hair is a little thin in wet look,
but after washing and blow drying it had a little more volume.